One of the volunteers has also been acting very strangely recently. Each day she comes in, she does the usual cleaning up (god I LOVE watching them scoop poops, hilarious!) but then she starts pulling apart the furniture and scattering it across the room.
Anyway, this crazy volunteer has been taking all the lovely scented fabric off the chairs and covering them with some kind of impermeable membrane (sorry about the geek-speak, I've been watching a lot of science documentaries recently). It doesn't smell anything like as nice as the old kitty-doused covers did - but the colours are nice.
Actually, I think it's kind of fabulous. I love tools. Although I tried repeatedly to get involved, I was mostly ignored.
Meanwhile, Tammy was keeping everyone on their toes with some stealth pooping. She managed to squeeze one out on the linoleum in the studio room without being seen - yet somehow they still knew it was her! Baffling. Serves them right for overfilling her litter tray: she likes it tray with just a hint of litter, no more.
Sadly, Tammy, Kyana, Sterling and a few of the others have now left Chatopia. It was nothing to do with the pooping, they've gone to find homes elsewhere. I wish them all the luck, but as for me, there's so much cuddling and love here at Chatopia, I'm happy to live here till my perfect human comes along and finds me.