Did you hear about the dog they rescued in Japan? I can't say I like dogs much, but the story raised the hairs on my neck for a different reason.
Think of all the cats and dogs, hamsters, birds and other pets who also lost their lives in the disaster. It makes me sad to think about it, but stories like the one about the rescued dog lift my tiny kitten heart back up again. They give me hope.

What is even more wonderful that rescuing that dog from the sea? They were able to reunite him with his family!
I heard about a few places where humans can give their support to the workers who are rescuing animals from the Japan tragedy:
The Humane Society works tirelessly, as do World Vets.
There is uplifting news of rescue and rehoming from the Japan Cat Network
Next time you are going to hand over those funny little metal circles in exchange for a coffee (I've smelt that stuff and it's icky anyways) why not give those coin things to a charity instead, and help our fellow kitties.
I don't even mind if you help the dogs - just help!
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