Pekoe, aka 'The Buffalo', is known to frequent any of four office chairs sitting in the main reception of Chatopia. I examined them for prints, but the volunteers had wiped the scene during 'routine' cleaning. They had also vaccuumed and de-furred all the upholstry, removing hairs and skin cells which could have been collected for lab analysis.
I can't help but suspect them of collaboration.

Instead I decided to dust the shelves behind the desk for prints - maybe the kidnappers had leant against the polished wood and left some trace? Curiously, I found the shelves had already been dusted, and yet the volunteers claimed to have cleaned the area not 24 hours previously.
Things just don't add up.

This looking more and more like a cover up.
I must foil that meddling Kyana and examine the rest of Chatopia for evidence - the answer must be here somewhere!
Mmmm, Lucy... I don't know if this will help, but an unknown woman went to Chatopia the other day... I did not see her, but someone told me so...