Darn that wretched Lichee. They say we all have a nemesis, I think I've found mine in this apple-headed siamese.
I ask only one thing in life: a lap from which to stretch into a pair of hugging arms (well, two things if you count food... actually, three things: I also greatly appreciate central heating).
Three volunteers arrived at Chatopia and started feeding, cleaning and running around doing whatever it is humans do (far too much if you ask me). I stood on my hind paws and patted one of their legs, silently meaowing for cuddles. They usually love it when I do this, but she was distracted and wouldn't pick me up. I thought this wasn't good enough, so I persisted.
Okay, maybe I did scratch her a little, but goodness me, I had not had a hug in over eight hours and we all have needs!
I watched in disgust as Lichee frolicked on one of the volunteers laps, using her polydactyl paws to swipe up her fingers from the mouse pad and chew on them playfully - and the volunteer just let her do it! When I chew on volunteers they always yelp and deposit me on the floor, denying me further hugging access. Why is Lichee allowed to get away with it?
Admittedly, I don't so much nibble as furiously bite and scratch. I only ever do it when they try to groom me - no one grooms my luxurious Buffalo pelt except me, and if I decide not to groom myself (ever) then these humans should just learn to accept me for who I am, even if I do get a bit smelly.
What's a whiff between friends?
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