Sunday, 2 January 2011

my secret blog

I can hear the door closing... the lock click shut... yes, they are gone, I am alone now.
Well, when I say alone, I mean it's just us cats.

My name is Pekoe and I live at Chatopia adoption center. On the letterheads I've read that this place is run by Animal Adoption Montreal and as far as I know everyone who works here is a volunteer. I've been here for a year now, which makes me the second longest resident after Lucy (who constantly reminds me that she was here first, the big bossy-boots).

There are about 25 of us waiting for homes. I've heard some of the other cats talking about places they stayed where they were in cages all day long. At Chatopia we have whole rooms to wander through. Sometimes I sleep on a chair. Other times I sleep on a shelf, or even a table - if I please.

Unfortunately I have to share my space with 7 others, which can be very irritating when I'm going to cuddle one of the volunteers and Lichee or Shanika get there first. They move faster than me, but that's just because they aren't as distinguished. I've made it quite clear that I require a great deal of cuddling every day, you'd think the volunteers would have the decency to shove those others aside so that I can climb up, but, ah well there we are, it's a hard life being a shelter cat!

I can't blog for too long just in case someone comes in and catches me. The other day I was going to share with you the outrage of being washed (how dare they!) when there were footsteps on the stairs. Luckily I managed to shut down the computer before they saw me. I jumped to the floor and pretended I'd just woken from a deep sleep - it seemed to work, no-one suspected a thing.

It shouldn't be long before I can blog again - there is so much I want to tell the world, isn't this internet a wonderful thing?
I must be careful and wipe my paw prints off the mouse before I go to sleep - no-one can know about my secret blog!

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